Requirements and necessary documents for filing trademark applications in Uruguay

The requirements for applying for a trademark in Uruguay are as follows:

Information to be provided

  • Name and address of the applicant (it can be a Uruguayan or foreign company or individual);
  • International class or classes that are to be covered by the application, or list of products or services (the application can cover an entire class);
  • The same application can include several classes;
  • The trademark does not have to be in use for the registration to remain in force.


Authorization Letter, duly signed by the applicant (no certification or legalization is required). The letter must include the name of the person who signs it and their position in the company.

You can send us a scanned copy by email and the original by postal mail. While this authorization letter must be submitted when filing the trademark application, if necessary it can be added at a later date. In that case, we will be granted a term of 30 days (non-extendable) as of the filing date to add the authorization letter, and if it is not submitted within that term, the application will be deemed abandoned.

If the trademark is a label or a logo, you must send a sample in electronic format, or, if they are already in printed form:

  • One sample, for black and white labels or logos;
  • Ten samples, if colors are claimed.

Download the printable authorization letter template.